\\f(tyxi)-f(t,x2)\\^k(\t-t0\)\\xl-x2\\ for re I, xl9x2 in E, where
£-*&(£) is a regulated function in [0, r[. Then for every x0 e E, there exists a
unique solution u of
(10.4.1), defined in I, and such that u(t0) = x0.

We only have to prove that, if c is the l.u.b. of the numbers p such that
0 < p < r and that there exists a solution of (10.4.1) defined in \t — t0\ < p
and taking the value XQ at r0, then c = r (by (10.5.4)). Suppose the contrary;
then, by (10.5.4), there is a solution v of (10.4.1) defined in J :\t — t0\<c
and such that v(t0) = XQ . We are going to show that the conditions of (10.5.5)
are satisfied; applying (10.5.5) then yields a contradiction and ends the proof.

As here H = E, the condition v(J) c: H is trivially verified, so we have only
to check that t ->/(f, v(t)) is bounded in J. Now, in the compact interval [0, c], k
is bounded and so is the continuous function /-> ||/(r, jc0)|| in the compact
set J; hence there exist two numbers m > 0, h > 0 such that \\f(t, x)\\ ^
+ h for t e J and x e E. This implies \\v'(t)\\ ^ w||»(r)|| + h for t e J; if
we write w(£) = ||i>(r0 + ^£)ll with |/l| = 1, the mean value theorem shows that
w(£) ^ \\XQ\\ + he •+- ml w(Q d£. We therefore can apply Gronwall's lemma
(, which shows that ||i?(f)|| < aemlt~to{ + b in J (a and b constants),
hence v is bounded in J, and so is ||/(r, i?(f))|| < /w||»(OII + h.

( Here again, when K = R, the condition of continuity on/can be
relaxed to condition (a) of Remark (10.4.6).

A linear differential equation is an equation (10.4.1) of the special form
(1 0.6.2)
x' = A(t) - x + b(t) ( =f(t, x))
where A is a mapping of I into the Banach space JSf(E; E) of continuous
linear mappings of E into itself (Section 5.7), and b a mapping of I into E. We
have here H = E, and by (5.7.4)

for all re I, xl9 x2 in E. Applying (10.6.1) and ( we therefore get:
(1 0.6.3) Let I c K be an open ball of center tQ . Suppose A and b are regulated
I if K = R, analytic in I if K = C. Then, for every XQ e E, there exists a
unique solution u of
(10.6.2), defined in I and such that u(t0) = x0 .

Observe that if b = 0, and x0 = 0, the solution u of (10.6.2) is equal to 0.
From (10.6.3) we easily deduce the apparently more general result: